Kitron Litauen omcertifierade för IRIS - Evertiq


IRIS-certifiering för järnvägsindustrin - Lloyd's Register

The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical Rail Quality Standard ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS) The word wide accepted Quality Management System for the railway industry ISO/TS 22163 – Sector solution on the basis of ISO 9001 With the development of this standard, the initiators – the Union of the European Railway Industry UNIFE* and ISO/TS 22163:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical Together with the IRIS certification rules, this ISO/TS 22163 forms the basis for certification acc.

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ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS Certification) ISO/TS 22163 certification: Redefining quality in the railway industry Increasing specifications and complex assemblies in rail network traffic have prompted a number of additional requirements for business and quality management worldwide. ISO/TS 22163:2017(en) IRIS Certification? working group. Whenever the ISO 9001:2015 text in this document refers to ?quality management system?, The previous standard IRIS Rev. 02 was revised in May 2017 and published as ISO TS 22163:2017. Together with the IRIS Certification rules:2017 published in June 2017, it forms the "IRIS Certification rev.03" system or IRIS Rev. 03 for short. IRIS Certification™ - system IRIS Certification™ rev. 03 ISO/TS 22163:2017 Railway applications - Quality management system - Business management system requirements for rail organizations: ISO 9001:2015 and particular requirements for application in the rail sector IRIS Certification™ rules:2017 Rules for achieving and maintaining IRIS (ISO 22163:2017) – RAILWAY INDUSTRIES; AS 9100 Rev D- Aerospace Industries; IATF 16949 – Automobiles Industries; CE Marking; ISO 9001, 14001, 18001- Manufacturing Industries; API Q1/Q2 – Oil & Gas Industries; Implementation & Inspection; Inspection.

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ISO/TS 22163 är världens ledande kvalitetsstyrningssystem för järnvägsindustrin. Bureau Veritas utbildningar för ISO/TS 22163 ger ditt team den kunskap och  Awareness Training on ISO/TS 22163:2017 - IRIS - Railway applications — Quality management system — Business management system  En ny utgåva av ISO 9001 och ISO 14001 gavs ut i november 2015.


Material. Du har erfarenhet från olika kvalitetsstandarder såsom t.ex ISO 9001, ISO/TS 22163 och IRIS. Som kvalitetsledningsingenjör på WSP kommer  utvecklat en branschspecifik kvalitetsstandard, IRIS. Den nya standarden, med beteckningen ISO/TS 22163, kommer att publiceras senast i  Kitron Litauen omcertifierade för IRIS. Kontraktstillverkaren Kitron meddelar att bolagets anläggning i Litauen har certifierats på nytt enligt ISO/TS 22163  14 Lediga Iris Sverige Ab jobb i 181 72 Lidingö på

ISO/TS 22163:2017 (IRIS) In the context of InnoTrans 2016 – the International Trade Fair for Transport Technology – that took place in Berlin in September, UNIFE (Association of the European Rail Industry) published the transition plan for IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) to become a fully acknowledged ISO/TS standard. ISO/TS 22163:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies).
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Tato nová norma bude obsahovat, podobně jako doposud norma IRIS, všechny požadavky normy ISO 9001:2015 a kromě nich také doplňující požadavky, specifické pro železniční průmysl.

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In order to assess the audit findings, the special “IRIS Audit Tool” software, based on the IRIS audit questionnaire, continues to be used. The result is registered in the UNIFE supplier database, also known as the IRIS database. ISO/TS 22163:2017 for the activity of Manufacturing for the scopes of certification: 18 (Infrastructure), 19 (Single railway components) MANUFACTURING OF ELECTRONIC BOARDS AND EQUIPMENT Certificate valid from: 10/05/2019 Certificate valid until: 09/05/2022* Current date: 24/05/2019 Certificate-Register-No: 114/19/IRIS From what I understand, [FONT="]ISO/TS 22163 is now out and it is the new requirement for the rail sector and is the evolution of the IRIS rev 02.

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Kitron Litauen omcertifierade för IRIS - Evertiq

IRIS shares common elements with ISO 9001:2015, so it’s easy to integrate with the standards you are currently using. Best practice. Recognised globally, IRIS certification and ISO/TS 22163 gives you access to best practices from across the rail industry.