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- Henry Ford's Dumbest Ideas Matter Because His Smart Ones Changed the World. The man who invented the assembly line wanted to put some dumbass shit on it. Flickr.

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Encourage your school community to be part of PTA’s Reflections Program “I Matter Because…” with promotional materials. General Reflections Flier — available in English and Spanish “I Matter Because…” call for entries poster: English (small) English (large) Spanish (small) Spanish (large) Location. Once upon a time a little girl lay on the floor on her room, Curled up in a blanket and wondering when mommy would be home, Mommy always made things better, she could make daddy stop hurting her, Daddy scared the hell out of her and every day living in fear for her life had broken her somewhere along the way, Se hela listan på Your choices don’t matter. Your influence doesn’t matter. Your existence doesn’t matter.

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Libra - WTF #Zodiac #Signs Daily #Horoscope plus - Pinterest

The problem of the nature of matter and of force is one of those which have most exercised the sagacity of scholars and philosophers. Its complete solution has always escaped us because it really implies the knowledge, still inaccessible, of the First Cause of things. “The arts matter because they are the one thing on this planet with the power to change a person's perspective, mood, assumptions, beliefs, and ideas; they can transform a place, represent a community, take you back in time, or move your forward into the future; help a person understand from where they came and where they are headed and grapple with the beauty and uncertainty of all that Matter is one of the big ideas in science.