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She is one of the eight original members of the Dream Team SMP. She also doesn’t have the server’s IP anymore because she claims: “I don’t want to be a bother” Fans ask Alyssa to join back- C’mon we miss you Alyssa! Drista is the sister of Dream. She played on the Dream Team SMP by going on Dream's account. She messed around with TommyInnit and even banned him for some time. She was born in 2006 1 History 1.1 Meeting Tommy 1.2 Meeting Technoblade 1.3 Power of The Owner 1.4 #TommyInnitIsn'tCancelled and #DristaIsPog Tommy asked Dream if he had a sister.

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It is played on by Dream and other prominent Minecraft content creators. The server is divided into factions and includes heavy roleplay [10] with major events being loosely scripted in advance, most other elements being improvisation , performed live on YouTube and Twitch.

Dream poofs. Here's part 3 of the Sam Nook and TommyInnit storyline! I love Awesamdude's Sam Nook character on the Dream SMP, and I have been playing a lot of Animal Cros SBI RULER AU BY FUNDYISTYPING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A wiki linking all my au's posts together! The explination of this au can be found in this post!. ALLIANCES Dream Team is the poly ship between Dream, GeorgeNotFound, and Sapnap from the YouTube fandom. 1 Canon 1.1 Minecraft Challenges 1.2 Livestreams 1.2.1 Minecraft Championships 1.2.2 Love or Host 1.3 Twitter 2 Quotes 3 Fanon 3.1 Poly 4 Fandom 5 Trivia 6 Navigation Dream and Sapnap met online in either late 2012 or 2013, and have been friends since. They've mentioned on streams that they would 03.
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Summary Powers and Stats. Tier: Atleast 5-C. Name: DreamXD .

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She hardly ever gets mad but when she does she will completely ignore you for a while. He started Logestedshire, his own ‘nation’ in exile to make himself feel better.

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På grund av ökad drama kring Herobrine sidan, frågade en wiki moderator hack över IRC om Herobrine skulle läggas till: I SMP, om en spelare dödades av en pil sparken från en dispenser, ett meddelande som Of course it was just a dream. Dreams, sö 18/11 Kindbergs,. fr 30/11 Jannez, han och berättar sam tidigt. att det var ytterst enl Wikipedia.