Välkomna till Årsstämman 2019 i Attendo AB - PDF Gratis


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Attendo tarjoaa laadukkaita hoiva-, kuntoutus- ja asumispalveluita ikäihmisille, mielenterveys- ja päihdekuntoutujille sekä kehitysvammaisille ja vammautuneille henkilöille ympäri Suomea. Lisäksi tarjoamme lastensuojelupalveluita kunnille sekä kotihoito- ja terapiapalveluita. Many investors define successful investing as beating the market average over the long term. But its virtually certain Attendo är ett ledande omsorgs- och vårdföretag som utför kvalificerade tjänster av hög kvalitet på uppdrag av offentliga beställare. För att på bästa sätt kunna anpassa tjänsterna till varje individs behov och önskemål, samt för att i övrigt uppfylla lagstiftarens och/eller beställarens krav, samlar Attendo in och bearbetar olika personuppgifter. Attendo AB (publ) (ATT:STO) company profile with history, revenue, mergers & acquisitions, peer analysis, institutional shareholders and more.

Attendo shareholders

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PIP's global  At the end of 2020, Nordstjernan was the company's largest shareholder, with 18 percent of both the capital and voting rights. Attendo is listed on the Stockholm  HPP advised Aava Terveyspalvelut Oy and its other shareholders in the sale and purchase of shares in Uudenmaan Seniorikodit Oy by Attendo Oy  Attendo AB (publ) (ATT:STO) company profile with history, revenue, mergers & acquisitions, peer analysis, institutional shareholders and more. Member of the Board of Sweco, Attendo , Hexpol, Melker Schörling ,Axel Johnson Inc and Sandberg Independent in relation to major shareholders. Independent of.


Nu pågår en utvecklingsfas av Dosell i nära dialog med Attendo AB (publ) shareholders should be happy to see the share price up 10% in the last quarter.But that doesn't change the fact that the returns over the last three years have been less than pleasing. The shareholders proposed to be represented in the Nomination Committee represents approximately 43 percent of the shares and votes in Attendo. Instruction for the Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee proposes that the instruction for the committee adopted at the 2017 Annual General Meeting is replaced with the below instruction, which shall be in force from now on.

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To the annoyance of some shareholders, Attendo shares are down a considerable 32% in the last month. That drop has capped off a tough year for shareholders, with the share price down 37% in that time. Assuming nothing else has changed, a lower share price makes a stock more attractive to potential buyers. Attendo är verksamma inom vård och omsorg. Bolaget erbjuder tjänster relaterade till äldreomsorg, omsorg till personer med funktionsnedsättning, individ- och familjeomsorg samt hälso- och sjukvård. Bolaget bedriver för närvarande verksamhet inom den skandinaviska marknaden.

Attendo AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting on 15 April 2020. The meeting resolved in. usage in the company and to provide flexibility as regards the company’s possibilities to distribute capital to its shareholders. Attendo AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting on 14 April 2021. The meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals by the Board of Directors and Nomination Committee.
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Attendo är verksamma inom vård och omsorg. Bolaget erbjuder tjänster relaterade till äldreomsorg, omsorg till personer med funktionsnedsättning, individ- och familjeomsorg samt hälso- och sjukvård. Bolaget bedriver för närvarande verksamhet inom den skandinaviska marknaden. Samarbetet sker via kommuner och privata omsorgsbolag.

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Most investors know that it is quite permissible for company leaders, such as directors of the board, to buy and sell stock in the company. Proxy forms can be found on Attendo’s website, www.attendo.com.

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Pilotprojekt med Attendo slutfört med goda resultat // Pilot

Shareholders represented by proxy should submit proxy forms well in advance of the meeting. Should you invest in Attendo (OM:ATT)? Reasonable growth potential and slightly overvalued. Last updated 2021/03/19 19:36 Attendo AB (publ), reg.